TSPU Student Club
Social areas of work with students in Tomsk State Pedagogical University create special educational setting, focused on creative self-realization, social responsibility, and development of management skills. At present when the civil society in Russia is being formed, these qualities are necessary for future teachers!
The TSPU Student Club is organized for development of amateur creativity, self-fulfilment and leisure of students by involving them into creative teams and clubs. The Student Club represents the interests of the University (and its affiliates) in various inter-university, municipal, regional and national festivals and competitions.
The primary objective is the realization of the tasks to meet the needs of students in intellectual, cultural and moral development.
Main activities:
- organization and holding of cultural events;
- development by students of art, social programs, technologies, techniques , their testing and implementation at the university;
- organization of student creative associations and groups on an on-going basis ;
- coordination of activities of student associations, creative teams, initiative groups ;
- representation of the university in various university, municipal and national creative competitions;
- organization of cultural and leisure activities at the university ;
- exchange of experience and cooperation with student organizations from other universities in Tomsk.
Staff of the TSPU Student Club:
- Safonchik Yuliya, director of Student Club;
- Pavlova Victoria, event organizer ;
- Feoktistov Evgeny, soundman;
- Arslanov Ruslan; costume designer.
Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 16:00
Address: 634041 , Tomsk, pr. Komsomolsky, 75 office 332