Achievements and rankings of Tomsk in 2020
3 position among best student cities of Russia (after Moscow and St-Petersburg)
Achievements and rankings of TSPU in 2020
1 position among all pedagogical universities of Russia 41 position out of all Russian universities 186 position among universities of CIS countries, Central and Eastern Europe |
1 position among all pedagogical universities of Russia 47 position out of all Russian universities 189 position among universities of BRICS countries |
the only pedagogical university of Russia in the ranking one of the 24 best universities in Russia of the list Top-200 universities in the world and top-20 universities in Russia in the nominations «Physics regional research reputation» и «Physics international collaboration» |
Top-10 best Russian universities |
1 position among all pedagogical universities of Russia 43 position out of all Russian universities 18 position in the nomination «Social Impact» |
1 position among all pedagogical universities of Russia 20 position out of all Russian universities 1 position among pedagogical and 18 position among Russian universities in subject ranking «Physical sciences» |
1 position among all pedagogical universities of Russia 40 position out of all Russian universities 182 position among universities of Central and Eastern Europe 484 position among universities of BRICS countries |
66 position out of all Russian universities Top-200 Russian universities on social media (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter) |
1 position among all pedagogical universities of Russia 31 position out of all Russian universities |
Six TSPU professors are among top 100 most-quoted Russian scientists (in their respective fields) |