Tomsk State Pedagogical University


Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education

Dear applicants!

Kindergarten teachers and elementary school teachers are those mentors who remain in a heart of each of us for life. After all, these people are responsible for developing of the basic qualities of the future personality. They bear special responsibility that is why they must be widely erudite, creative, resourceful, patient, tactful and kind.

Our Faculty is the best place to master these qualities. If you love children and you are fascinated with working with them, if you really care about future of the younger generation, if you are active and want to inspire others, then we are waiting for you!

«Primary education» and «Preschool education» profiles will guarantee you an employment in preschool educational institutions, general education institutions, gymnasiums, private kindergartens, centers of children development, methodological centers and special education institutions.

We are proud of our Faculty and will be happy to see you among our students!

Drozdetskaya Irina Alexandrovna,

Dean of the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education of TSPU

Being a successor of the Faculty of Education, The Faculty of Preschool and Primary education has been implementing 11 educational bachelor's and master's degrees programs since September 2016. The educational process at the faculty is organized by two departments: the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education and Department of Preschool Education.

Great attention is drawn to the preschool pedagogy, pedagogy of primary education, as well as psychology, teaching methods of various subjects in primary school and the implementation of educational methods in the field of preschool education.

Students are taught to help any child, regardless of his abilities, behavioral peculiarities, mental and physical health as well as to apply methods of upbringing, and training of preschool children and junior schoolchildren to assist the formation of essential skills, learning activities and their premises.

The faculty of preschool and primary education gives an opportunity to simulate elements of professional activity at the Center for Pre-school Development.

Our students regularly participate in All-Russian and international Competitions in pedagogy (Chelyabinsk, Novokuznetsk, Gorno-Altaisk), competitions of professional pedagogical skills (Ulan-Bator) in regional, All-Russian student's research, practical conferences, contests of final qualifying works (St.-Petersburg, Tula).

Students’ life is not only about study. There are many organizations at the Faculty that unites athletes, artists, dancers, idea generators, volunteers, and just those who want to talk on professional and pedagogical topics. You will get only good impressions from eventful and diverse student life!


Bachelor’s programs:

  • Pedagogical education (two profiles), «Primary education» and «Preschool education»
  • Pedagogical education, «Preschool education»; «Elementary education»                                        

Master's programs:

  • Psychological and pedagogical education, «Psychology and pedagogy of preschool development»; «Psychology and pedagogy of primary education»
  • Pedagogical education, «Psychology and pedagogy of preschool development»; «Psychology and pedagogy of primary education»