Institute of the Theory of Education
The Institute of the Theory of Education is a structural unit of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The Institute has three departments: the department of pedagogical and philosophical anthropology; thedepartment of postgraduate education;thedepartment of history and philosophy of science. The main fields of scientific research of the Institute are:
Methodology of modeling of the nonlinear dynamics of educational system;
Technologies of the Information Society: methodology of diagnostics;
Bioethics as a form of self-consciousness of Modern Culture.
All fields are supported by Russian Foundation of Basic Research and Russian Foundation for Humanities.
The applied activity of Institute is connected with teaching of Master's Degree students, Ph.D. students and doctoral studies in Pedagogics and Philosophy. Part of the staff of the Institute is working as teachers of bioethics at the Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk).
Organizational activity of the Institute is aimed at:
1) Training of specialists of top skills
2) Preparation and the organization of scientific conferences. Among them there were five conferences on bioethics: "The Anthropological basics of Bioethics" (2006); "Construction of a Human" (2007, 2008, 2009, 2011);
3) Publishing of the Institute transactions, including series of monographs “Systems and Model: Limits of Interpretation”.
Bioethics became an object of scientific research, organizational and practical activities of our scientists due to two professors who were in 2007-2010 the invited employees of the Institute:
Boris Yudin (the representative of Russia in Steering committee on bioethics of the Council of Europe, the board member of the International Association of Bioethics);
Ruben Apresyan (the member of the Russian Committee on Bioethics, the member of the Commission of UNESCO on Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology, director of the Center of Applied and Professional Ethics).
TomskState Pedagogical Universityhas a high-professional publishing house and modern technical base for the organization and support of Internet resources and distant education.