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Cooperation Continues between TSPU and Uzbek-Finnish Pedagogical Institute

Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU) and the Uzbek-Finnish Pedagogical Institute (UFPI) of the Republic of Uzbekistan continue their collaboration as part of a cooperation agreement. Recently, a lecture with elements of a master class in the field of technology, decorative and applied arts, and design took place.

The lecture, aimed at students and staff of the partner university, was conducted by Associate Professor Al'fira Shayfullovna Bodrova from TSPU's Department of Technology, Economics, and Design, along with students of the graduating class under the guidance of the head of the department, Associate Professor Gafurzhan Mamatkulovich Ismailov.

Among the participants from UFPI were Mahmudjon Muradovich Jumaev, Head of the Department of International Relations, Professor Rahimoya Khayrullovnaya Zhiyankulova, and students majoring in "Technological Education."

At the outset of the meeting, Mahmudjon Muradovich Jumaev emphasized the importance of collaboration between the two universities and expressed hope for its mutually beneficial continuation, particularly in joint scientific and methodological work.

The educational program began with Al'fira Shayfullovna Bodrova's lecture on "Felting in Decorative and Applied Creativity." The lecture addressed the historical retrospective of felting in folk decorative and applied arts, analyzed traditional and modern felting technologies, and discussed the potential of felting in design activities to integrate it into the modern cultural context. The second part featured a master class on the practical basics of wet felting led by TSPU students Angelina Peregoedova and Yesenia Negmetzhanova.

Wrapping up the meeting, colleagues from Uzbekistan were able to ask questions on the lecture topic, emphasizing its relevance not only for future educators but also for practicing professionals, and expressed gratitude for the new knowledge and experience.

According to Gafurzhan Mamatkulovich Ismailov, the next steps in joint work include lectures, seminars, and master classes for students by TSPU faculty. Additionally, one of the upcoming stages will involve a delegation from UFPI visiting TSPU to familiarize themselves with the educational process, educational facilities, and research work of students at the Faculty of Technology and Economics.