Tomsk State Pedagogical University

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A new project "School of Student Initiatives" was organized on the basis of the TSPU. Its purpose is to exchange experience in the implementation of traditional projects, as well as to develop and modernize the plan of student activities for 2022.

Representatives of the university student structures took part in educational blocks and project preparation: Student Council, Student Club, Students Trade Union Organization, TV TSPU, University Staff of Student Detachments, Volunteer Detachment "Point of View", Intellectual Games Club, Open Pedagogical Class.

"The main task of the School of Student Initiatives is to look at the projects and events that take place at the university from a different angle: how interesting they are now, what problems they solve and what professional competencies develop in students. In the new year, the old formats will expand and change not only in scale but also in content", — says Natalia Mikhailovna Kosovskikh, director of the Center for Educational Work and Youth Policy of TPSU.

At the lecture "Volunteering: a step towards professional activity", participants discussed the basics of volunteerism and areas of this activity: medical volunteers, elderly volunteers, Victory Volunteers, and others.

"The main emphasis was placed on how volunteering can help in professional activities, when a person is still choosing their path, or even when working in a particular area, but wants to develop in another direction. For example, volunteering teaches you to feel confident in any, even stressful situations", — shared volunteer of "Point of View" Elena Pankova.

Student Club, TV TSPU, and Intellectual Games Club went to the meeting with Darya Doronina, Chair of Tomsk Region Youth Parliament, who talked about the promotion of projects in social networks, in particular about the importance of assessing the target audience of the event and speaking the same language with them.

After the educational part, the practical part started: structures were united into teams for the modernization of the TSPU events. For example, the team of the Students Trade Union and Student Club came up with a new version of Knowledge Day, proposing to celebrate it as an outdoor festival with many interesting locations. The students also came up with an event with the working title "120 Steps to the Dream", which is planned to coincide with the 120th anniversary of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The activists proposed a contest of 120 days and four stages, during which first-year students could develop a number of important competencies and compete for a prize.

Several priority projects were identified as a result of the work through a vote by the activists of the School of Student Initiatives. As early as this week, leaders and activists from TSPU student structures will begin working on new university programs that will be included in the university's 2022 action plan.