Tomsk State Pedagogical University

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  • TSPU students at the international book platform "CHILDREN'S BOOKS AS WINGS" IN ST. PETERSBURG


The Juraj Dobrila University of Pula held the International Conference “European Intellectuals at the Turn of the 19th - 20th Centuries” , in which Svetlana Karpenko, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department of the Faculty of History and Philology TSPU, took part.

The conference was organized with the support of the Center for Russian Language and Culture "Pushkin Institute" and the Croatian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature Specialists from Russia, Croatia, Georgia, Austria, Germany, Macedonia and Serbia were among the guests of the scientific event. It is symbolic that the conference was held in the building where the Higher Pedagogical Academy was located earlier, which was merged with the Higher School of Economics in 2006 thus forming the modern University of Pula.

Svetlana Karpenko made a presentation “Linguistic personality of N.S. Gumilev: the experience of cognitive analysis in the aspect of the category of intelligence ". The work of the sections was organized in the building of the Philosophy Faculty of the University and in the Castle of Soardo-Bembo (city of Bale). In scope of the conference an event dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the Russian Language and the jubilee of A.S. Pushkin (220 years of birth) was held. At the end of the work, a collective monograph “Interdisciplinary research on the European intelligentsia at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries” was published. There was also a presentation of the book “871 Day” by Ninel Koribskaya about the Siege of Leningrad (translation into the Croatian language by Irena Mikulaco). One copy was given to Irena Mikulazo as a gift to the TSPU.

At the end of the event Karpenko met with Yvona Peternel, representative of the International Department of the University. Representatives of two universities discussed opportunities for cooperation. After hard work, the participants were offered a cultural program: a visit to the cities of Bale, Rovinj, a tour of the city of Pula, a visit to the amphitheater, musical and literary concerts.