Tomsk State Pedagogical University

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  • TSPU students at the international book platform "CHILDREN'S BOOKS AS WINGS" IN ST. PETERSBURG


The VII Regional Economic Forum "T & Pro - the vector of your development" was held in the TSPU Business Incubator. This year, 12 teams from schools in the city of Tomsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo regions participated in its work. For three days, the participants underwent a rich educational program aimed at the formation of project competencies, personal effectiveness and self-determination, entrepreneurial skills.

On the first day, participants of the educational workshop learned how to solve problems and find innovative solutions, work in a team and form partnerships, maintain entrepreneurial spirit and avoid the fear of failure, create and effectively conduct a presentation. This day ended with a series of expert sessions, during which young entrepreneurs of the Tomsk shared their experience and secrets of business success with the future collegues.

During the second day, schoolchildren worked through tasks related to the development of the project: they identified the main client, set a market volume, evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, developed a design solution, calculated financial needs of the project, learned to convince partners and investors in a few minutes or even seconds.The final stage of the forum was the defense before of projects that the teams developed and implemented during the year in front of the expert jury. Pupils presented 13 works, seven of which are related to social entrepreneurship. Most importantly, each participant had the opportunity to receive feedback from experts, to hear an objective response, advice, criticism to improve their projects.