Tomsk State Pedagogical University

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  • TSPU students at the international book platform "CHILDREN'S BOOKS AS WINGS" IN ST. PETERSBURG


Students of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University have always participated in the Regional School of Guides. Some of our experienced activists-counselors share their knowledge with the younger generation, while other students of the TSPU together with like-minded people from the regional detachments are being trained.

To prepare for the summer camp season in 2019, more than 100 children from secondary vocational education institutions Danko, Kapella, Gorro, Yunost, Fakel, Kanikuly and Rocket.

“The school of guides is very intensive, interesting and informative, - says Anastasia Klokova, the organaized of TSPU “City Summer” project. - All the participants were mixed together and divided into five groups, as in a real summer camp. Classes are held four times a week (three practical and one general), in addition the participants also will listen to series of lectures on the educational platform”

From the theoretical sessions, participants learned about the temporary children's team, the image of a guide and companionship. Also, the organizers are planning to conduct lectures on the structure of the student camps and the basics of first aid.

The participants from school were able to show their creative abilities in organizing diffrenet all-camp cases: “How to tame a dragon?”, “Race with reality” and others. Within each event, future guides pass through various stations, carrying out team assignments.As in any educational institution at a convention, it is necessary to prove your knowledge by passing exams. To confirm their readiness to join the ranks of guides, the pretenders had united in groups and developed a project on the topic “Organizational Shift Period”, which they defended in front of the School mentors.