Tomsk State Pedagogical University

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Faculty of foreign languages of TSPU is the best at the international competition

Students from the seven different cities of the Siberian federal district gathered together at the Linguistic institute of the Altai State Pedagogical Uniersity on the 5th of April to participate in the Interregional Student Contest in Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching. Tomsk was represented by the team of the faculty of foreign languages of TSPU. A high level of preparation and real professionalism in solving language and methodological problems had brought the our students a confident victory!

Students from Tomsk, Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Gorno-Altaisk and Omsk competed for the title of the best in language and methodology. The team of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University consisted of: Troshina Julia, Ivanova Natalia, Vasyukov Anatoly. The guys showed their best during the two days of the competition.

Afterwards they expressed gratitute to the organizers of the event and their teachers: "Such events are very important: they give an opportunity to see colleagues and students from other universities, motivate them for further development and help them understand their place in pedagogical education. Many thanks to our teachers, who have trained the team with great responsibility, made a great contribution to the victory and our outstanding performance on competition!"