Tomsk State Pedagogical University

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TSPU professor was included in the list of the best authors of fundamental physics

Professor of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University, theoretical physicist Sergei Dmitrievich Odintsov became one the most cited authors in the field of fundamental physics. Such results were shown by the study ( of works on fundamental physics placed in the popular database of preprints of papers in the field of high-energy physics - The High Energy Physics information system (InSpires)

According to this study, TSPU professor  S.D. Odintsov is recognized as one of the most cited authors in the field of fundamental physics  in two time periods: the publications "after 2000" and the publications "after 2010". Besides, the works of the scientist, published after 2010 in major scientific projects, have one of the highest indicators of the Hirsch index (index of citing scientific articles) - 45.2.


The High Energy Physics Information System (InSpires) database of preprint articles has been operating since the 1970-x. This direction of physics was experiencing a rapid development at that time (that persists to this day) and the amount of work in this area was very large. To facilitate the search for information, this database was created, which allows finding the latest publications in the field of fundamental physics (