Tomsk State Pedagogical University

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TSPU project became the best at "People of future" contest

Employees of the Center for Additional Physics and Mathematics and Science Education of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University became the winners of the All-Russian competition of projects "People of the Future". The program of our specialists "Design and research activity of schoolchildren in the field of cosmonautics and astronomy" has become one of the best in the nomination "Ecosystem of partnership".

The organizer of the contest is the Non-commercial "Lift to the Future" partnership, which supports socially significant projects aimed at creating conditions for the development of scientific and technical creativity and innovative activity of schoolchildren and the introduction of innovative information technologies in education. The nomination "Ecosystem of partnership" assumes the support of existing additional education projects aimed at forming a continuous educational and career development of schoolchildren with the involvement of a wide range of partners.

At present, a grant agreement has been signed, according to which, starting from March 2018, the program of the TSPU "Design and Research Activity of Schoolchildren in the Field of Cosmonautics and Astronomy" will be implemented. The project will unite the resources of educational and scientific organizations of the Tomsk region for the coordination and development of relevant topics in the research of schoolchildren.