Tomsk State Pedagogical University

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TSPU student is a winner of "I am a professional" competition

Alena Smirnova student of the faculry of history and philology of the TSPU became the winner of "Pedagogical education" category of the all-russian competition "I am a professional".

Alena has proved her skills during several stages of the competition that took place in Novosibirsk and Nizhny Novgorod. She has succesfully solved pedagogical tasks and showed her communicative skills, much important for a future teacher. In Nizhny Novgorod Alena participated in a series of workshops by teachers from Moscow universities Shalva Alexandrovich Amonashvili and Efim Lazarevich Rachevsky "I would never have thought that I could see these amazing people live! - says Aliona Smirnova. - As a result of the passed tests I became the winner of the Olympics! ". A student of the TSPU became the best in the category of "Pedagogical Education", ahead of 104 contestants. For her professional skills and talents, Alyona is awarded with a certificate for admission to the master's program of the higher  institutions-organizers of the Olympics. Besides she was included in the list of young professionals. "But the best prize for me is experience, because that's the only way to understand what you already know, to determine the points of professional growth and to strive for new results - says Alyona. - I will not enter the magistracy until a year later, but I think this will be a pedagogical direction."