Web of Science Awards 2017 were held in Moscow. This award is meant for scientists and scientific organizations for outstanding contributions to the development of science. According to the correspondent of Indicator.ru sixteen Russian scientists were awarded.
Among the winners was the theoretical physicist Sergei Odintsov, a professor at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University.
According to Forbes magazine, Sergei Dmitrievich was included in list of top ten most famous contemporary Russian scientists. According to the American scientific information database SPIRES, Professor Odintsov is one of the most quoted Russian physicists: the number of references to his work exceeds 34 thousand, the Hirsch index - 85, and he wrote more than 400 scientific papers on the theory of gravitation, mathematical physics and cosmology. Professor Sergey Odintsov is the chief researcher at the TSPU (since 1985, the department of mathematical analysis), the scientist also works at the Institute of Space Research of Catalonia (Barcelona).
The prize is awarded to active scientists and researchers who publish their works in journals with high impact factor included in the international information and analytical platform Web of Science, which unites the databases of publications in scientific journals and patents. Until 2016, the company was owned by Thomson Reuters, since October 2016 the company has been managed by Clarivate Analytics.