TSPU at tourism conference
All-Russian educational conference “Knowledge. Technology. Trends in tourism industry in Russian Federation” took place 20-21 of April in Yalta and gathered representatives of government authorities, leading experts of the tourism industry, as well as employees of educational and scientific organizations of the country.
Tomsk State Pedagogical University was marked as an educational institution showing outstanding results in training of specialist in tourism sphere.
In addition to the main events – the discussion of the topic "Development of domestic and incoming tourism in the Russian Federation (2019-2025)", visiting various sections where participants studied modern trends in state educational policy, as well as a classification system for hotels etc. – 11 educational institutions that participated in the nationwide system of training and professional development of tourism industry professionals were awarded.
Annual All-Russian Educational Conference "Knowledge. Technologies. Trends in the development of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation ", conducted by the Federal Agency for Tourism since 2012, has become a platform for a constructive dialogue between tourism and hospitality industries. The work of the conference participants makes a significant contribution to the solution of these issues, and the exchange of experience and discussion of new ideas helps to establish and strengthen cooperation, as well as indicate new directions for growth and improvement.