Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Eco-action at TSPU

Help TSPU to obtain the status of "Green University of Russia" and take part in the "Save a tree" campaign.
Come to the Anti-café at TSPU Youth Center on November 22 from 9:00 to 17.00, bring waste paper and save a tree!

Also, there will be the exhibition "The second life of things" for all the participants.
The team of the TSPU Faculty of Economics and Management "Ecosovest" takes part in All-Russian project "EcoKvest: Divide with us", organized by the "ERA" Foundation http://вузэкоквест.рф, it involves around 200 universities from all over Russia.
Environmental quest consists of 15 tasks, the main mission of the event is to implement waste sorting on campus territories. The Universities-winners will be able to enter the list of Russian Greens universities within the framework of the Year of Ecology in Russia (2017), and winning teams can win an internship and a receive grant up to 20 000 rub. For realization of eco-initiatives in the University.
TSPU Students, let’s support our alma mater!