Scientific magazine «Pedagogical Review» seeks authors involved in pedagogy, teaching methods and psychology. Our magazine is included in the new «List of leading review scientific magazines and issues in which the primary scientific results of theses for doctor’s and candidate's academic degree should be published». The list is made by higher certifying commission of Department of Education and Science of Russian federation and aimed for the following specializations:
- 13.00.00 Pedagogical sciences
- 19.00.00 Psychological sciences
«Pedagogical Review» magazine is included in the international database of periodical issues and series Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory» as well as in the Russian index of scientific quoting (RISQ). All the issues are available on magazine’s web site and RISQ web site http://elibrary.ru.
More details on regulations regarding design of works can be found in the official web site of the magazine http://npo.tspu.ru.
Articles for «Pedagogical Review» magazine should be submitted on the following address: npo@tspu.ru.
The admission of works for the first quarter of 2017 is possible up to 15 November 2016