Tomsk State Pedagogical University


The firsts weekend of October second year students of TSPU have spent on 16th festival of sport, creativity and tourism «Startus» that  was taking place from 30th of September till 2nd of October at «Health» center. The festival started with speech by vice-rector for TSPU youth policy and educational work D. B. Nasonov: «Dear participants of "Startus – 2016” I am already delighted to see new ideas that you have realized in your greeting cards – very bright and creative! I wish that all this spirit won’t leave you till the last day of forum because this will be the most important day. I wish you good luck and want to remind you that such events give a great chance to become a star. I hope that  it is your star that will shine on this "Startus" in the name of Tomsk state pedagogical university!»

During the three days, the teams of TSPU have been fighting for a title of the most solidary faculty of the University by completing creative, intellectual, sport tasks and surprising organizers with courage, positive and team spirit!

Here the list of winners in different nominations:

  • «Score cup» and «Hamburg reckoning Cup» — faculty of Biology and Chemistry
  • «Creativity cup» — Psychology faculty.
  • «Sport cup» and «Tourism cup» — faculty of Physical culture and sport.
  • Nomination «One step from victory» — faculty of technology and entrepreneurship
  • Special prize — faculty of preschool and elementary education

And the main prize of «Startus – 2016» «Cup of friendship» went to Foreign language faculty.