Picture exhibition dedicated to the memory of protectors of our homeland has opened in TSPU

Faculty of Culture and Arts in cooperation with the Science Library presented the picture exhibition consisting of portraits of ancestors, grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, mothers, people who defended our country during the First World War and the Great Patriotic War. The people who revived our country after the terrible years and raise their children. There was a solemn and touching atmosphere In the exhibition hall reigned - with portraits provided by students, teachers and employees of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. This project is important for modern society - a tribute and respect to veterans, as the succession of generations. The idea of the exhibition belongs to the employees and students of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, together with co-author of "Immortal regiment" Vadim. Organizers want every remaining photograph or snapshot scene to be immortalized in a portrait in the memory of the great generation of relatives. Next stage of the project will be held in St. Petersburg and at this point it will become an all-Russian event.