Tomsk State Pedagogical University

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One of the most significant chess events – Open Chess Tournament for TSPU Cup – took place in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The two days of the Tournament were filled with exciting professional events. The Tournament had started with the conference «Chess is the key for innovations?!” which was attended by teachers, chess coaches of Tomsk Region schools, representatives of robotics centers,  principles of Youth Sports Schools and TSPU centers, administrative centers of additional education of kids, students, postgraduate students, veteran chess players and representatives of the Tomsk Duma. The topics picked by the participants involved both general issues of chess education in educational institutions and kindergartens as well as training of professional chess players and chess coaches.

Particularly interesting was the report made by Oleg Viktorovich Chertkov, principal of Tomsk Youth Boxing School. He told about using of chess in sport training of kids with disabilities, which have been studied chess is Youth Sport School class since 2014. The guest also noticed sport achievements of these students and touched upon the subject of availability of chess classes in Tomsk.

III forum of young scientists, within the framework of which the Tournament took place, was devoted to robotics that is why the participants showed great interest in chess playing robots. There are many robotics centers in Tomsk, but only TSPU robots play intellectual games. Employees of TSPU robotics center presented the chess playing robot, created by kids. 

The organizers have prepared an unusual opening ceremony: there was a live violin music in the hall. Chess players were greeted by TSPU executives and the Tomsk Duma deputy Mahir Rustamov.

The chess tournament started on the second day and was held according to the Swiss system: 7 rounds, 15 minutes time limit for each player. 70 players participated in the tournament, among them were chess coaches, employees of educational institutions, students, pupils of TSPU chess class, veteran teachers. Special nomination was introduced for children with disabilities.

All the participants of the tournament were awarded with certificates. Prize-winners received medals and diplomas. Winners were awarded with cups, medals and diplomas.